Dollar Impact : Rupee Damage Control

Dollar Impact : Rupee Damage Control

Dollar dependency had became granted approach and world around us, continued to enjoy its dominance. World's economy deals in dollar, which had lead to quiet handful complications. As in current scenario, few countries comes up and try dominating their terms to other...

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Moment : Economic Structuring

Moment : Economic Structuring

There were time where countries was looking to enable financial strength, 90's countries had become bit open up to the world. Allowed to deliver specialised products or services to the world. Results, enabling business opportunities and financial strength. But in...

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Capacity Utilization of India Inc hits to new low

India Inc'sasset -turnover ratio dropped to a new low Of around 70 per cent in FY21, indicating a further decline in capacity utilization across sectors last financial year owing to the pandemic. This raises a question on the companies' ability to kick-start-a fresh...

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